Housekeeping Workshop
Housekeeping Workshop We proud to announce that our girls have successfully completed the month long housekeeping workshop conducted by Taj Bengal. Getting trained for a particular vocation is always an added advantage for any job-seeker, especially with the ongoing...
Talk to a Scientist
Talk to a Scientist Talk To A Scientist is a unique science outreach platform in India, that uses an interactive webinar format to share science with children (6−16 years). Founded by two scientists’, Dr. Karishma S Kaushik and Snehal Kadam, these ongoing weekly...
Swabhav Natak Dal
Swabhav Natak Dal Our girls are thrilled to be part of “Swabhav Natak Dal”. “Swabhav Natak Dal” is a creative arts collective that works with children, youth and women in different parts of the country, helping them tell their stories through theatre. Our latest...