The City as a Museum: Adhi nai, tebhaga chai

Six students from Ek Tara took a trip to the Directorate of State Archives to explore an exhibition dedicated to the Tebhaga movement. This movement, which took place in Bengal, India, from 1946 to 1950, was a significant uprising by sharecroppers (bargadars) who sought to reduce their share of the crop harvest from half to two-thirds. The exhibition honored the movement and highlighted the crucial contributions of women involved in it.
It featured a variety of materials, including archival documents, photographs, and artwork. Attendees could view a collection of literary documents, police records, and even audio recordings of women leaders. The students were truly impressed by the wealth of information available to them and left the exhibition feeling much more informed.
It featured a variety of materials, including archival documents, photographs, and artwork. Attendees could view a collection of literary documents, police records, and even audio recordings of women leaders. The students were truly impressed by the wealth of information available to them and left the exhibition feeling much more informed.