In partnership with Lion Club International we conducted an eye camp for our girls!! Their initiative Sight For Kids also ensured that…
Latest Happenings
Launch of Library Project
The Library project started in the month of August. Read along with children from Classes I to VII, which included the following. Thema…
Tara Launch
Ek Tara is proud to present to you Tara- our very special mascot who is champion for Girls Education! Tara represents the millions of girls…
Alternative Delivery Model
As the second wave of the pandemic struck, our children were thrown back into the pits of despair. Most without access to smart devices…
Each One Teach Two
Student volunteers from Indus Valley World School are conducting online classes for our children. This wonderful initiative is called…
Ration Distribution
Even though lock down measures is easing within our country, most low income households are still finding it hard to cope. Daily wagers…
World Environment Day
To celebrate World Environment Day we taught our little ones to turn off water taps after use and make DYI planters at home. We must do…
Day Care Centre
We launched our Day Care Centre. The centre will offer a safe space for 30 children aged between 7 to 18. Most of these children are either…
Covid-19 Handbook Distribution
According to our community workers on the ground, a lot of people in the slums do not wear masks when they step out and there are…
Ek Tara Learning Centre Launch
On March 25, 2021, Mrs. Devi Kar, Director, Modern High School for Girls, officially opened the state-of-the-art Ek Tara Learning Centre…
Block Printing Activity
Young Indians Kolkata organized a block printing workshop. Our kids mixed colours and painted using ornate wooden blocks. With…
Plastics for Pads
We asked our adolescent girls and community women to bring in single use plastics, which they were able to exchange for sanitary pads, all…